Start your journey by claiming your FREE, no obligation 20 minute nutritional consultation.

This will give you an opportunity to better understand Nutritional Therapy and how it can support your hormonal imbalance or menopause symptoms. We will discuss which package and duration will best benefit you, and get you back on track to feeling like you again.

Returning clients can select a plan below or log into your client portal here

The All-Rounder Package

Duration of 3 or 6 months

Who is this for?

Do you have a health concern that you need personalised support with? Or have you been experiencing some symptoms that you’re not sure how to correct. Maybe you always feel tired but you’re not sure why, or have you been struggling with your weight and the diets are just not working?

This is the package for you if you want to put a stop to that niggle that has been preventing you from enjoying your life to the fullest. We can take a deeper look at what is going on within your body to uncover the root causes of your symptoms. Following this, we will provide continuous support to get you back to optimum health and wellbeing.


3 day diet diary analysis

60 minute initial consultation

Full medical and family history, with body systems and lifestyle review, to understand the root cause of your symptoms

Completely personalised and tailored nutrition, exercise and lifestyle plan to meet your goals and requirements

Supplement plan with 10% discount from The Natural Dispensary

Regular support with 30 minute follow up calls every two weeks to track your progress, provide motivation, and make any amendments to your nutrition and lifestyle plan

Recommendation of functional tests and interpretation of results (if applicable)

Personalised exercise recommendations

Unlimited support via chat feature on our health portal Practice Better

Your own log in to the Practice Better app to have full access to your nutrition and lifestyle support, with exclusive functions to log your own food, mood and lifestyle journals

Nutrient Analysis Session

Who is this for?

Do you ever wonder if you are getting the right nutrients in your diet? Do you feel sluggish, tired or suffer from poor memory but can’t pinpoint why? Have you recently changed your diet to something a little restrictive like vegan or keto and you want to make sure you’re getting the right nutrients? If you answered yes, then this could be for you. This package is designed for those who feel they need a helping hand with their food choices to ensure they are taking in the correct nutrients to feel energised, lighter, more productive and generally healthy.

On completion of a 7 day diet diary, we will do a complete analysis of macro and micro nutrients in your diet, looking at carbohydrate, protein, fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals and quantities.


7 day diet diary analysis

45 minute appointment to discuss the best way to improve your diet by adding the nutrients you need to optimise your health

Written summary of action points based on our discussion

