Frequently Asked Questions
What is nutritional therapy?
Nutritional therapy is the practice of seeing a person on a wholly individual basis and understanding them holistically in order to uncover the root causes of their symptoms, and using this information to restore them back to health through nutrition and lifestyle. Please see my page on nutritional therapy for more details.
What results can I expect?
The results that can be achieved from nutritional therapy are astounding. The smallest changes and tweaks to diet and lifestyle can have a huge positive effect on a person’s health and wellbeing. I make sure that the nutrition and lifestyle recommendations I give are manageable and simple to incorporate into my clients lives. By ensuring the changes are manageable will prevent clients feeling overwhelmed, which paves a stronger route to success.
Are tests and supplements included?
Any testing or supplements are not included, however we do offer 10% discounts on supplements from The Natural Dispensary. Testing is highly individual and there are many different tests at a range of price points available. I will always recommend the most beneficial test for you (if any), and where possible I can write a referral letter to your GP to request any tests that can be booked through the NHS.
I’ve tried this before but it didn’t work, how are you different?
There are many nutritional therapists practicing, but unfortunately the practice is not regulated so many of them do not have the level of qualification that others do. Tap Into Your Health will only ever have therapists who have had extensive training of two years or more, and hold a diploma or higher. I am also registered with CNHC, BANT and ANP, and do continuous professional development (CPD) regularly to ensure I am at the top of my expertise. I am confident that my knowledge in the realm of nutrition, my continuous support, and my personal understanding of my clients, allows me to create a situation where clients can reach their health and wellness goals and thrive into the future.
Is this covered by my health insurance?
Whether nutritional therapy is covered by your health insurance is dependant on the policy you have. Some healthcare covers ‘preventative services’, but please check with your healthcare provider for confirmation.
How many times do I need to see you?
In order to achieve success the minimum duration of one of our packages is three months. We believe that three months is the minimum time to instil changes in habits and routine, so a shorter plan may result in clients slipping back into old habits and/or not achieving their goals. I also believe regular meetings provide motivation and accountability to clients, so I include 30 minute appointments every two weeks to see how you are and amend anything in your plan that is needed. In terms of duration – whether it be three months, six months or more is completely dependant on your case and how much time I feel you need, this will all be discussed in your 20 minute free consultation prior to your first appointment.
Can we do this all online?
Yes, all appointments can be carried out online or in person. The only exception is personal training which must be in person (in Tunbridge Wells) so that I can ensure that you are carrying out the exercises in a safe way.